The New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival is an annual, multi-day festival featuring works submitted by emerging and established composers, performers, and sound artists from all over the world. The festival includes pieces for live electronics and fixed media compositions of up to sixteen channels of sound, works for acoustic instruments and electronics, multi-media pieces such as those involving video and dance, and various kinds of audio and video installations.
Concert 34, June 19, 2016
4-5:45, Playhouse
Patricia Martinez, Pure Consciousness of invention
Kyle Stewart, Conflux
Adam Lenz, A Collapsing Field of Long-Dead Stars
Seth Shafer, Hookean Elastics
Jonathan Wilson, Rotations III. 1080
Marco Ferrazza, Omen
Guillaume Chappez, Forêt-Noire
Tyler Kline, Two Songs after Dylan Thomas
Bryce Craig, Crystal Ballet
Davide Wang, Unfolding